Chris Jones
m: 07972 637 569
best: chris@christopherjones.biz
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About CJsofy your favourite source of royalty free images. 😉

I am Chris Jones and at CJsofy.com I make available my own photos for anybody to use on a website, blog or news article.

I require you to credit to the owner of the image wherever you place it. If you email me about an image that you like I'm happy to make a nice sharp image resized to the pixel width best for your website.

Why Why Why?

I enjoy taking photos and I take product photos for work too. Rather than have photos unseen on a hard drive I prefer to see them enjoyed on the web, thinking these should be seen. So much so that I'll even help you with some image resizing and sharpening so that you get the best out of them. All I ask is that you say that you got the images from cjsofy.com.

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Best wishes from Chris.

  • Chris Jones
  • 3 Governors Gate Manor
  • Hillsborough
  • County Down
  • BT26 6FZ

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